200hr Teacher Training

Study all things yoga.

200hr Yoga teacher training

Join me for a true yoga immersion.

Join me for a deep dive into yoga practice and learning in teacher training. I am thrilled to offer my trainings under the Mazé Method.

200hr teacher trainings take you on a journey of self-discovery and education into all things yoga. This foundational training is ideal for serious students, aspiring yoga teachers, and teachers with varying levels of experience. Students with injuries and health issues are encouraged to attend. This training is recognized by Yoga Alliance, graduates may register with Yoga Alliance at its RYT-200 level upon successful completion.

Program Details

In this foundational training, you will study and deconstruct asana (yoga poses), pranayama (breath work), meditation, applied anatomy, therapeutics, yoga theory & practice, yoga history & philosophy, basic sanskrit, ethics & boundaries, and you will master the skills required to teach yoga, if you so desire. 

Designed to provide you with the most comprehensive learning experience possible in the practices and theories of yoga. This program has been expertly crafted to develop within you the understanding and ability to skillfully practice and teach with confidence. If you are passionate about yoga and wish to deepen your study, this training is for you!

How to improve your own yoga practice

How to teach a yoga pose

Actions and alignment

Purpose and use of props

Restorative poses

Observing and understanding bodies

The art of teaching

When and how to modify yoga poses

How or whether to use physical adjustments

How to effectively sequence a class

Introduction to meditation

Functional anatomy and physiology

Meaning behind asana systems

History of Yoga – major schools and movements

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"Having Jennifer as my facilitator through the TT program was wonderful. She was clear, concise and understandable. Finding answers when there is confusion, she nudged us towards being our own advocates, to reach out and ask questions of others so that we learn by doing rather than just having information spoon-fed to us. I personally love that way of learning so it was great for me.

I am in awe of the knowledge she carries and her ability to challenge and explore topics. I felt she was always fair and open to hearing other points of view. I'm happy that she would share her opinion and why she felt a certain way about a topic but would add that just because she felt a certain way, doesn't mean everyone else will. It was great for those students to be challenged with the notion that there could be a lot of different ways of approaching an issue.

I felt very supported by Jennifer throughout the TT journey. Her input in my yoga teaching career, as well as my jewelry career, was extremely valuable. I loved her emphasis on alignment. Jennifer's attention to detail in that area was awesome and I think about the things she taught me every time I teach. I can hear her voice in my head as I cue and assist others for better alignment. And that's a great thing." Kristine Jenson


"I went into this study thinking I was just going to deepen my own practice. I remember Jennifer smiling at me like maybe she knew something different. The curriculum was laid out very well. I felt that she did a great job of calming my nerves when I was feeling overwhelmed. There were a number of times that I thought I was going to quit but, I pressed on! At first, being the only man in the class was a bit unsettling to me. I felt like I didn’t belong. I’d say after about three months or so, it was a non-issue for me." Jamie Reinbold

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