
Yoga to fit YOUR schedule!

Practice anywhere, anytime!

Practice live-stream or on-demand. There are options to meet you wherever you're at. Beginners and seniors are encouraged to join! You can drop-in or join a session. Committing to a 10-week session is the best way to establish consistency and see results! You don’t have to be live to join, you can watch and re-watch the replays at your convenience. No need to miss a week if you are out of town.

“Being on Zoom has helped me not feel so self conscious when I need to do the less challenging pose. You’re also really good about giving options. I’ve been really happy with the class”. Cara

Yoga for healthy aging.

If you are looking for a blend of alignment and flow, you’re in the right place. I love breaking poses down and exploring them in new and exciting ways. I will challenge you while maintaining a playful, down-to-earth atmosphere. I love reviewing the basics and offer modifications for students of all levels. My classes are for students who want to increase mobility, build strength and improve balance. I design my classes, to help you move with more ease and comfort, and feel better in your body, my classes are not about being able to touch your toes!


"Jennifer credits me as being her first Yoga teacher and now, decades later, I am thrilled to be her student! Before taking classes from Jenn, my Yoga practice and teaching were in a rut and I was done spending a fortune traveling to take classes from the usual rock star teachers. The good news is, I didn't need to! Energetically, Jenn’s focus is to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable. Physically, she meets you where you're at and takes you as far as you want to go. A unique bonus I discovered from taking classes with Jenn, is that I can walk into class with a burning question about a life decision and come out with a crystal clear answer that I receive from my higher self, just from following her orchestrated sequences of postures and breathing. Jennifer is truly a Minnesota Original." Julie Schmit, MA, LAMFT, Couples and Individual Therapy Energy, Psychology, E-RYT 

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